Study Design
Randomized controlled trial (RCT) / Clinical pilot study
Osteopathy shows better results in the treatment of patients with craniomandibular dysfunctions than manual therapy (according to the CRAFTA® concept).
Relevance for the Patients
Relevance for Osteopathy
•Patients: 20 participants (18 female and 2 male) aged between 19 and 65 years. The patients were randomly divided into two groups. The result was a distribution of 10 patients (9 female and 1 male) in the study group osteopathy and 10 patients (9 female and 1 male) in the comparison group manual therapy (according to the CRAFTA® concept).•Measurement parameters (and measuring methods): Pain (VAS assessment and SES questionnaire), health-related quality of life (SF36 questionnaire), mouth opening (inter-incisor distance (IID) measurement),muscle tension (Biofeedback EMG measurement).•Inclusion criteria: Pain in the region of the muscles of mastication,bruxism (grinding) or bracing (compressing), deviation when opening the mouth, restricted ability to open the mouth,clicking noise when opening the mouth.•Exclusion criteria: Pronounced dysgnathia, facial pain due to systemic, neurological or psychiatric diseases, acute or chronic TMJ trauma, sinusitis.•Treatment procedure: Three treatments per patient within a period of two weeks following a black-box approach. The measurements and interrogations were carried out before the first and after the last treatment. The patients in the study group osteopathy were treated by the author Anett Hörster, the patients of the comparison group by a certified CRAFTA® therapist.
Regarding the measurement parameters pain, mouth opening and muscle tension both, osteopathy and manual therapy (according to the CRAFTA® concept) facilitate significant improvements for the treatment of patients with CMD. In this context osteopathy is significantly more effective concerning the parameter pain. Regarding the health-related quality of life only osteopathy has a significant effect and in comparison works significantly better than manual therapy (according to the CRAFTA® concept) which could not achieve an improvement of this parameter at all.
Critical Reflection/Perspectives/Conclusions
A follow-up study over a longer period of time (with an additional final check-up appointment) and with more participants, who are treated alternately by a team of therapists is recommended to verify the results of the present study and to put them on a sound basis.
Additional Information
Anett Hörster
Publication StatusFinished
Publication Type
Entry Month
March 2009